It is not coincident
I cant believe that it's only 2 weeks ago that I updated my blog. It feels as if it's been a month. LOL. Anyway.....i really really really have to share this God is good all the time all the time God is good God is good all the time all the time God is good He is really good!! He's marvelous!! He's awesome!! Let me share this with you : nothing happens because of coincidence I can tell you that even now when you are reading this, He has planned it. Okay, back to the topic I wanna share with you : So I was quite dry spritually, I dunno why that happened but maybe I was distracted with the worldly stuff, even when I read my devotional books (a woman's walk with God), I felt very discourage and I was not renewed each and every single day anymore, even thou yes I did pray and read His word. Till yesterday, I came to "Pray for Indonesia" night, I was "slapped" by God. The sermon was about hero, loser and betrayer. A loser is someone who you ...