
Showing posts from August, 2010


Feel like writing my thoughts, my feeling, my happiness and my sadness.. Today has been a great day. I was praised by my boss at work, although I dont feel that I am that good. I did not do anything much, but 1 thing that I do is I work with my heart, as what God has commanded us, that we have to obey our masters. And so there was a guy coming to calibrate the analyser and I was watching him and asking a few questions only for the whole morning. He told my boss that I am a smart girl and he praises me, which my boss said that it was very rare for the guy to praise anyone. I feel happy, I mean I dont expect anyone to praise me at work, because I feel that I work for God and it's my obligations. That's why it's a plus for me when someone praises me. Praise The Lord, He always knows how to make me happy =) Later today I visited my friend at kfc. I didnot intend to go at first because honestly, my relationship with her has not been good for the past 2 months. However, I stil...

Little thoughts about my cell group

I love my cell group. I didnot love it few weeks ago but now I love it. We call it WWJD 1 (Walk With Jesus Daily). This is the place where I can see myself grow a lot, from a shy girl to a girl who can lead worship and even share in a public, and of course, it is all by God's grace that I am able to do that. Our cell group has just established for 2 months. We are still new, the bonding between each other is still not as strong as when we were in the big group. That is why there are several problems that we are facing now : 1. One of the old members is thinking about moving oikos (I am so sad about this, because indeed, he is someone who can bring joy to our cell group) 2. We can see that most of the people havent grown yet in Jesus. 3. We still need to improve our bond. 4. To reach out to more people. I just had discussion with my core team group and the cell leader this afternoon. We are all thinking hard about what we need to improve on. However, the good news is.. all o...

Another experience with God

Yes.. must be wondering, what have I been doing for the whole day? guess what, i attended to sermon, 1 in the morning (which I shared earlier), and 1 at night. It was a really good testimony from Pastor Diana, although the message does not directly relate to me. However, I know that 1 day, I can share what I heard and save people. Indeed, I am sharing with you now. =) the title of the sermon was Overcoming the Enemy. in this context, it refers to spirit of pornography, adultery, etc. I was just amazed how God can set free Pastor Diana from pornography after she went away from God for 5 years. and she went on saying " When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future". you can refer more to the bible about the Devil in Revelation 20:21. I believe that tonight a lot of people are set free. No longer living as devil's slave but devil has become our slave. Amen. It is a bit sad that I couldnot attend 3 sessions tomorrow because I have my own duty, but... I...

a woman of God

I feel that I just need to remind myself : Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;        but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. I need to stop comparing myself with others I need to FEAR the Lord, respect Him and honor Him I know that when I do these, I will explain the most exciting, most fulfilling relationship in life.

first time being prophesised

Prophecy!! how wonderful it is, yet, I have just encountered this by my friend who shared to me about him being prophecied and Im thinking, I want to be prophesised too!! I want to know how my future will be like(of course it's gonna be amazing, but Im still curious to know, how it's gonna be). So... here I am, at my 21st, still wondering about my passion. I am studying Food Science and will be graduating soon, but... I just realise, I am not really into it. I dont want to stuck in food industry for the rest of my life. I want to do something big, something that can change people and can bring more and more people to God. So currently, I have a dilemma about what I should do in the future, I have been praying for the past few months, but more frequently for the past 1 week. and just yesterday, my friend (who shared about prophecy with me), told me that there's one pastor ( Diana Frost) who came from California to their church to share about her life experience, and she ...

my first time blogging

To all who read this blog, I pray that as you read, you will get encouragement from God and be blessed. The reason I create this blog is because I want to share with you the blessing that I got from God. I know that I cant just keep it for myself but to share to others and bless them. I am so excited to share my journey with Christ! I pray too that as you read, God will open up your heart and transform you inside out.God bless you!! Happy Saturday