first time being prophesised

Prophecy!! how wonderful it is, yet, I have just encountered this by my friend who shared to me about him being prophecied and Im thinking, I want to be prophesised too!! I want to know how my future will be like(of course it's gonna be amazing, but Im still curious to know, how it's gonna be).

So... here I am, at my 21st, still wondering about my passion. I am studying Food Science and will be graduating soon, but... I just realise, I am not really into it. I dont want to stuck in food industry for the rest of my life. I want to do something big, something that can change people and can bring more and more people to God.

So currently, I have a dilemma about what I should do in the future, I have been praying for the past few months, but more frequently for the past 1 week. and just yesterday, my friend (who shared about prophecy with me), told me that there's one pastor ( Diana Frost) who came from California to their church to share about her life experience, and she has the gift of prophesising. and im thinking, this is the chance that I cant miss!! even though the night before I only slep 4.5 hours, but in order to be prophesised, I have to go!!

And soo... this morning I attended the small "sermon". I sat the very front, cos im so determined that I want to be prophesised. I brought Yee Chin( a friend of mine) too and we sat on the first row. I cried like crazy, literally cried like crazy (which i dunno why) when i praise and worship our great God. I just feel that im so filled with the Holy Spirit, and honestly this is my first time to praise and worship Him like this and for so long. I feel so blessed.

Then.. Pastor Diana shared her life experience, about forgiveness. in the middle of her sharing, she asked, who here did not come yesterday? so me and Yee chin raised our hands, and she said to me "oh.. so this is why u sit at the very front." and I just like "WOW", how do you know that I want to sit in the front. few moments after that, she said to me "You are a girl, who didnt use to love Jesus at all, but you are now, you fell in love with Jesus so much". My heart was beating so fast, omg, omg, how do you know this? I mean,I have been a Christian for about 2 years now and yes I admit, I didnt love God as much as I love him now, more than ever!! my love for Him just grew this past 1 months so exponentially (scientific way to desribe my feeling, haha, cant help, cos im studying science, lol). she continued " God tells me that some of your family members are still not a Christian, you need to share your story to them and let them experience God". This time I cant say anything because I was too shocked, how did she know that I was the only Christian in my family? I just thank God, thank God that He shows to me so clearly that it is Him who talked to me through Pastor Diana.

so.. here I am knowing what God wants me to do, but I havent got an answer for my prayer, which is my passion, so I still feel that I need to ask her. I made up my mind that I want to talk to her after sermon. However, deep inside me, I can feel that the Lord tells me that "Sheila, be patient, I tell you 1 thing at a time, what you need to do is what i've just told you, and slowly, I will reveal to you your passion". well,as you know, I am a human too, I dont feel enough, I still want to ask her.

Then I asked her, she tries to capture what God is telling her, but she seems not able to give me the answer that I want, all she can tell me is " you are a person that can deal with people, relate and influence people. you can also bring people to kingdom of God".So yea.. I guess, I shouldnt be stubborn, but to wait for God's answer. I just thank him that He answers me. I have been fasting for the past 1 week and it is not useless.

Let us give all glory to God
Gbu all

Orange girl


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