Group leader ... for the very first time
Today was my first time leading a group in my bible study fellowsip (BSF). I have been trained for 2 months now but it never occurs to me that it was actually not as easy as I thought. Haha.. leading a group is not easy, but I find joy in doing so. I dunno why but Im actually looking forward to it now. Lol. I was so nervous just now , in fact before I went there I actually prayed beforehand. This never occurs to me because usually I am always very confident in this area but I guess I start to realise that I can only lead a group to grow in Christ by depending on Him and not my own. I have experienced how I depend on myself and I failed. and God has been knocking my door to tell me that I have been too proud of myself, and I realise that. Therefore, I force myself to learn to be humble even though my flesh tells otherwise. Anyway, I had great time. I found that I really like doing it. ;) I didnt think that it was good at all, but thankfully one of the ladies told me that I did it well ...