The origin
Do you know how Eve was created?
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Gen 2:18-22).
From the above passage we know that Eve was created from Adam's ribs. Have you ever wondered why from ribs? Well..I never wonder.. but.. today.. something amazing happened.
As I was working, God suddenly reveals a mystery to me (well.. maybe others know but not me XD).
I worked with bloods and product of conception. LOL. The product of conception is usually sample from pregnancy miscarriage. This sample is usually fetal rib. I have never thought why but all of the sudden today, it got me thinking, why fetal rib and not other parts, like hair, muscle, hand, foot? then I asked my colleague. She explained to me why.
Basically there are 2 reasons:
1. stem cell
Our bones have stem cells in it, however, as human grow older, these stem cells were replaced by fat cells. But in our ribs, the stem cell is always present. What is stem cell? I will try to explain in the simplest way so bear with me. I guess u all know about red cells, white cells and platelets right? Basically if red cells divide, we will get another bunch of red cells, but we can never get white cells or platelets from red cells, correct? but we have another type of cells called stem cells. these cells have specialise function. When it divides, it can either produce stem cell or other type of cells depending on what the body needs. If the bodies need muscle, then it will become muscle cells. Basically, when egg cell and sperm combined, we call it a fetus. What allows this fetus to grow into a human being with full organs is because of stem cells work.
Therefore, stem cells are very crucial in human body because it can multitask XD.
So, when God created Eve, He utilised this stem cell.
2. minimise damage.
Most of the time the parents of the miscarriage baby will ask the doctor to let the baby still be in good shape. If the doctor has to take the stem cells from other part, it will damage the appearance of the baby, that is why the best way to do it is through the rib.
NOW.. to link it to the bible.. are you guys getting what Im getting (smiling...)?
when I get to know this, I was liked, WOW God u r amazing... !
Firstly, it just confirms to me that the bible is really God breathe. Genesis was written by Moses. Back then he wouldnt know a single thing about this stem cell. In fact, this stem cell has jst been known for a few decades. Who says we cant relate bible to science?
Secondly, Eve is in fact, from Adam. God didnt make Eve out of dust like how He made Adam, why? why not? He can just easily make Eve out of that. But He didnt want to. My speculation is that He wants us to know that man and woman are one. They are not separate even though they are different. That is why God says that when a man marries a woman they become one. Now I understand. Man should never underestimate woman and woman should overtake man roles because woman is made from man, to be his helper.
Lastly, God loves Adam so much. This was shown even in the beginning of the bible. As I have said before, ribs are not the only place where we can find the stem cells. We can also find it in other parts such as bone marrow. However, God knows that He will damage Adam's appearance if He choose to do that. Nothing is too hard for God. Maybe for doctor it is easier for them to take it from ribs, but for God, if He wants, He can do anything. Yet, He choose to take the ribs because He wants to keep Adam in good shape.
Are you holding your breath now because you are amazed? Well.. I hope you are because I am so amazed.. Amazed that He brought this into my attention and He gave me this revelation so that I can share it here.
Orange girl ^^
7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. (Gen 2:7-8).
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Gen 2:18-22).
From the above passage we know that Eve was created from Adam's ribs. Have you ever wondered why from ribs? Well..I never wonder.. but.. today.. something amazing happened.
As I was working, God suddenly reveals a mystery to me (well.. maybe others know but not me XD).
I worked with bloods and product of conception. LOL. The product of conception is usually sample from pregnancy miscarriage. This sample is usually fetal rib. I have never thought why but all of the sudden today, it got me thinking, why fetal rib and not other parts, like hair, muscle, hand, foot? then I asked my colleague. She explained to me why.
Basically there are 2 reasons:
1. stem cell
Our bones have stem cells in it, however, as human grow older, these stem cells were replaced by fat cells. But in our ribs, the stem cell is always present. What is stem cell? I will try to explain in the simplest way so bear with me. I guess u all know about red cells, white cells and platelets right? Basically if red cells divide, we will get another bunch of red cells, but we can never get white cells or platelets from red cells, correct? but we have another type of cells called stem cells. these cells have specialise function. When it divides, it can either produce stem cell or other type of cells depending on what the body needs. If the bodies need muscle, then it will become muscle cells. Basically, when egg cell and sperm combined, we call it a fetus. What allows this fetus to grow into a human being with full organs is because of stem cells work.
Therefore, stem cells are very crucial in human body because it can multitask XD.
So, when God created Eve, He utilised this stem cell.
2. minimise damage.
Most of the time the parents of the miscarriage baby will ask the doctor to let the baby still be in good shape. If the doctor has to take the stem cells from other part, it will damage the appearance of the baby, that is why the best way to do it is through the rib.
NOW.. to link it to the bible.. are you guys getting what Im getting (smiling...)?
when I get to know this, I was liked, WOW God u r amazing... !
Firstly, it just confirms to me that the bible is really God breathe. Genesis was written by Moses. Back then he wouldnt know a single thing about this stem cell. In fact, this stem cell has jst been known for a few decades. Who says we cant relate bible to science?
Secondly, Eve is in fact, from Adam. God didnt make Eve out of dust like how He made Adam, why? why not? He can just easily make Eve out of that. But He didnt want to. My speculation is that He wants us to know that man and woman are one. They are not separate even though they are different. That is why God says that when a man marries a woman they become one. Now I understand. Man should never underestimate woman and woman should overtake man roles because woman is made from man, to be his helper.
Lastly, God loves Adam so much. This was shown even in the beginning of the bible. As I have said before, ribs are not the only place where we can find the stem cells. We can also find it in other parts such as bone marrow. However, God knows that He will damage Adam's appearance if He choose to do that. Nothing is too hard for God. Maybe for doctor it is easier for them to take it from ribs, but for God, if He wants, He can do anything. Yet, He choose to take the ribs because He wants to keep Adam in good shape.
Are you holding your breath now because you are amazed? Well.. I hope you are because I am so amazed.. Amazed that He brought this into my attention and He gave me this revelation so that I can share it here.
Orange girl ^^
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