Delight in the Lord

Psalm 37:4 says Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart (NIV)

I have read that verse and listened to the verse used by different speakers for hundred of times but I just think about it again when I read that verse few days ago. It kept me thinking, what actually it is to delight in the Lord?Then I started to browse google to find out. Surprisingly I am not the only person who asks this question. Thus, I can easily find the answer to that.

To delight in the Lord means that we find JOY in serving Him and continuously being obedient towards Him.

To delight in the Lord is actually not something that is easy to be done when I read that verse,but for the past few days, I find that it is actually not that hard.

I have been joining a bible study called BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP for women since October. Last year we learnt the book of Isaiah and this year we learn the book of Acts. When I heard that this year we learn about the book of Acts, I was quite happy because in my mind, i know that Acts is easier to be understood than Isaiah. Shockingly!! ( literally! ), I find that Acts is not as easy as I thought. I learn so much about the Holy Spirit, the first batch of Christians (after Jesus' resurrection), their way of living, the apostles and everything amazes me. A lot of times in the past when I read the bible, I tend to find what I should do and what I shouldnt. To be honest, that is a bit sad because I have narrowed the bible to a book full of rules. I failed to recognize that bible is all about GOD, HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS. I fail to search the Lord and that is why I tend to find myself tired of a lot of things such as ministry, relationships, family, work, etc. I also fail to be a real Christian. If you read through Acts, you will realise that it's all about revealing to the world about Jesus, ie. spreading the gospel. As I look back, I realise that these last 3 years since I believe in Jesus, I havent had the zeal of bringing people to know Him. yes I do have the passion to serve, but I forgot about my calling, that is to spread the knowledge about God, to let people encounter Him. When I see how the apostles sacrifice their life, beaten, tortured, martyred, fleed just to spread the gospel, I realise how shallow I am. I havent even done my part. I realise that I havent been fully filled by the Holy Spirit, the fire in me was never on. More than that, as I analyse my heart again, I realise that I havent been really searching God and delight in Him. Delight in His character, His personality, His love,His grace, His faithfulness, His everything. I realise that yes I believe in Jesus but I dont really know who He is. It's like you know a person only by name  and you do not what they really like, what their passion is,etc. One characteristic of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that you will long to spend time with Him, to do things that you feel unreasonable before, to constantly reading His word and loving it. In the past, reading the word sometimes becomes a routine for me, sometimes i was driven only by guilt, but that is not what Jesus wants, He wants us to day and night think about His word, to look forward to read His word. That is when I know that something in me is wrong.

I confess my sin to God and I tell Him that I want to change, that I love Him, that I need Him, that everything in the world may fall apart but nothing can separate Him from me. slowly, God changes my heart. He shows me how to love Him, He shows me how it feels like to have a relationship with Him. Even till this moment, I am amazed how I can change like this, I have never felt this before where I want more and more of Him. I learn to delight in Him, I learn to find joy, not serve Him out of duty, but out of love. Indeed, the blessing is beyond what I can imagine.

Since I came back from holiday in late February, I have been a casual at my workplace. I work less than 40 hours and it got me a little bit frustrated. Firstly it is because I need to save money (for a reason) and secondly I need to survive too. During those times, God really strengthens me. Somehow He gives me the peace, other colleagues were worried but deep down in me, I know that God is my provider, He will take care of me. I did look for new jobs, but didnt get any reply at all, yet I believe that His plan is always perfect. Then, on the third week, all of the sudden, my previous employer texted me and asked if I would like to go back there and work for him casually, once or twice a week. I was literally thrilled, cos I didnt even look for one, yet God gives me just like that, at the right time just when I need it. So now I am working at 2 places =) See, the Lord gives me the desires of my heart.

There's actually another blessing that I received from God that amazes me too, but I will tell you guys next time.

With all I am,

Orange Girl =)


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