What should I do?

Hi God.. im really sad at the moment. not because i do something wrong like what i usually did but sad looking at people around me. Grace, who brought me to Christ told me today that she is dating a hot pHd student 27 yrs old who is not a Christian. How could she forgot u God? She was the one who was so passionate about God. through her i got to know You Lord.. what can I tell her?

Looking at my own family I really feel like they worship money, what can I do to let them realise that money is nothing? How can i make them realise that all that I haveis from You and all that I am is because of You?

Looking at my own cell group.. how do i ask them to stop being a hypocrite and selfish person and start living a life worthy of their calling o God when they dont even bother to listen to what I hve to say?

Nobody understands how big Your miracle is in my life. When i try to tell my story, somehow they just dont see that it is Your miracle, instead they see it as something small and normal. But it is not... i know it well... it is all by Your miracle, grace and mercy.. o Lord.. i feel so sad . When will they turn away from their wicked life? When will they stop thinking about only themselves? When will they humble themselves andhave contrite hearts o God? When will they tremble at Your word o Lord? When will they stop seeking man's approval and seek Your approval o Father?


  1. Aku hanya mau memberikan sudut pandangku.

    Beberapa saat yang lalu aku mempunyai pikiran yang sedikit menyerupai pikiranmu. Aku merasa terusik oleh perbuatan beberapa anggota gereja ku.

    Sebagian dari mereka datang terlambat, walau gereja ku dimulai jam sebelas pagi. Sebagian bahkan tiba beberapa saat saja sebelum khotbah, yang berarti mereka melewatkan lagu-lagu pujian.

    Dalam hati aku bertanya-tanya, "apakah mereka datang hanya untuk khotbah saja?", "apakah jam 11 itu terlalu pagi atau mereka malas saja?", "Kenapa pemimpin pujian tidak memulai kebaktian tepat jam sebelas (atau selambatnya jam 11.05) dan malah menunggu gereja agak terisi?" dan sejenisnya.

    Beberapa orang juga terlihat sering mengamati hp nya, dan jika kulihat sekilas, itu bukan untuk mencatat, ataupun melihat alkitab, dan sekilas tampak untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman. "Tidak bisakah itu menunggu setelah selesai kebaktian kah?"

    Beberapa terlihat membawa makanan dan minuman ke ruang kebaktian. "Ini Gereja, bukan bioskop..." Beberapa cukup sadar diri dan menghabiskan makanan di depan sebelum masuk, walau itu terkadang berarti mereka menjadi lebih telat lagi.

    Beberapa juga terdengar berbicara dengan sebelahnya, yang terkadang cukup lama dan cukup keras. Cukup keras sampai terdengar walau saat itu pujian sedang berlangsung. Cukup lama dalam artian bukan hanya satu sampai tiga kalimat canda sesaat. Sekali lagi yang terpikirkan adalah "Tidak bisakah menunggu sampai selesai kebaktian untuk berbincang-bincang?"

    Tapi setelah kupikirkan ulang, aku takut pikiran-pikiranku diatas tersebut karena hal-hal ini dan bukan karena aku mengasihi Tuhan :

    1. Ingin merasa lebih baik.
    Aku khawatir aku hanya ingin merasa jadi lebih baik dibanding orang-orang tersebut. "Aku kan tidak pernah bermain hp saat kebaktian, lain dengan si A"

    2. Terlalu fokus/kaku pada "peraturan"/norma
    Seperti dalam cerita mengenai menyembuhkan orang sakit di hari sabat. Orang-orang fokus pada adat nya dan tidak melihat sisi kemanusiaanya / kasih-Nya. Apakah aku tahu bahwa dari semua yang terlambat semuanya karena malas, dan tidak ada satupun yang terlambat karena menolong orang lain dalam perjalanan? Aku tidak akan pernah tahu.

    3. Merasa kecewa terhadap orang yang kita anggap baik/benar atau kita hormati.
    Aku juga berpikir apakah perasaan tersebut timbul karena aku kecewa terhadap si B, yang ketua kelompok persekutuan, datang terlambat?

    Itu saja mengenai pengalamanku beberapa saat yang lalu. Aku hanya ingin menyampaikan saja, bukan bermaksud menyepelekan pikiranmu yang telah kamu tulis (Karena aku yakin, lebih tulus dari pikiranku diatas). Tulisanmu tersebut bagus bagiku, dan menambah rasa hormat aku ke kamu.


    1. Dear G,

      thank you so very much for your lengthy response towards my entry. I believe that it is better for me to reply you in english cos my indo is bad. haha... XD

      Firstly, thank you for reading my blog, it is an honor and my pleasure for me to know that I can be blessing for others or to even know that people care for me. =)
      Secondly, really thank you for your small sharing, it opens up my eyes and actually what you say is not something new to me, in fact, it has been something that I have learnt to know since this year. I constantly ask God to reveal to me any wrong heart motives in me. Honestly, I have to say yes, sometimes I do feel better than other and a lot of times I judge others with my own standard. God continuously points that out to me =(. at the same time, I also learn so many things about God through this painful experience. The very moment I see my fellow Christian brothers and sisters do things like this, I just got into tears because I know that I was like them and in fact,still like them. Yet... God loves me. Imagine.. even us who are sinners can feel so disturbed by what they do, and what about God who is holy and righteous? It is both joy tears and sad tears. what God felt when I sin is 100000000000000x more than what I felt when I see others.

      In fact, just yesterday my heart was aching because I just know that 2 of my dear sisters in Christ actually went back to their old self. I keep on crying out to God. God,wht should I do? this is so hard... I have been praying and been trying my best, yet why they are going downhill instead of uphill? up till now I still dunno the answer to that.. but God just tells me to keep on persevering, which I will =) ( even though at times I feel like giving up) and I want to learn to love them just as how God loves me.

      All glory only to Jesus

      Orange girl

  2. Sis, although I do share your sentiment and your pet peeves, unfortunately people cannot change because of what we do.

    To put it simply, they have to experience the favour of God themselves, not forced through us, for them to finally understand about God. For example, if I ate an orange, how do you know if the orange that I had eaten was sweet or sour?

    We can only share what we have, but not forcing them to understand God and believe in Him. Only God can change people's heart.

    I am still sharing my sentiments to you, just like what we discussed couple of years back. There are things that I cannot control (such as people living in hypocrisy, mediocrity, etc), and there are things I can control.

    The best thing you can do now is to do what you are able to do, like sharing (not necessarily the Gospel) and caring about other people, without expecting that those people will have to be Christians. Do your part, and let Him do the rest.

    God bless :)

    1. Hey Jo

      Thank you so much for giving comment, again and again in my blog. thank you for being such a faithful follower, hahhahha... kidding, u r more than a follower..

      Yes, I do know that people wont change bcos of what I say or do, In fact i dont hope so, because bakal sesat, hahha... I still have so many holes and they will end up the same if they follow me. I do believe that God can do the impossible, and in fact He has done the impossible in me, so yea.. He will do the same to others. just that at times I dunno what I should do? should I keep quiet when I see them do it? should I confront them? should I just close an eye and just love them anyway? should I engage with them anyway? what should I do to help them ( I know I cant change them but what about assisting them?)? ya.. things like these... I am sad not bcos I pity them, I am sad bcos I just feel so... they were once growing in Christ, yet backsliding is so easy... u know what I mean ya.. hehe...

      Anyway.. Thank you so much for your sharing. Ganbatte Jo!

      God bless
      Orange girl

    2. pray for wisdom, ask around, read a lot, do research, learn from mistakes and pray for wisdom again. Then do what you decided to do, knowing that god is with you (knowing means having faith). For if God is really with you, what can go wrong anyway, right?

      Arian Prabowo has been certified by Melbourne University to teach by word, not example.


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