In awe of God - another promotion
I dont know how i should start to describe my admiration at God's goodness in my life. Guess what, i have got another promotion at work. Wohoo
It was amazing because I never asked for it nor expected it or even imagine about it. The offer just came out of the blue.
About 2 weeks ago my best friend's niece was very sick and she had to be hospitalised in the hospital i am working. I went to visit her during my breaks and after work for a few times. She was so young, only over 1 year old yet shes got a disease that has no cure. She may recover as she grows older but no one knows whats gonna happen. I feel so terrible and i almost cried. Even me whos an outsider feels this sad, what about her parents? I feel even worse about the fact that i couldnt do anything to help her. Suddenly i felt so regretful that i didnt study medicine or nursing. Anyway... its too late , that was what i was thinking.
All i can do was praying for her
The next day, my manager suddenly came up to me and asked me if i can talk to him. I was guessing .. oh no.. what if my contract is not extended ( my current contract ends in march) or like maybe im gonna be scolded because i made so many mistakes during data entry. To my surprise , he offered me a scientist position. It wasnt final yet at that time because having to wait for the other scientist to resign. She wants to continue her study. SCIENTIST !! SCIENTIST!!
Me??? I got a bachelor degree but majoring in food science, didnt have the experience nor the background in health science and suddenly i got this offer. Honestly even if i got an offer for lab tech, i would be thrilled already and moreover this is as a scientist. Of cos i said yes. Haha didnt have to think twice.
Let me tell u why it is a miracle:
1. I desire to go into health science, thats why i decided to move to hospital and started from the bottom
2. I never prayed to get into this position, only God directs my career path
3. People are losing their jobs. A few scientists who were working here for over 5 years were made redundant
4. I have no skill, experience, background whatsoever in this
5. I got one year contract in the midst of this bad economy esp in my company
6.there are a lot of other stuff who are much more experienced than me
7. I was wishing that my contract wasnt extended so i can have a break and maybe go back indonesia and see what opportunity i have there cos im just a little bit bored of my current job, cos theres no way out. As in climbing up is a bit impossible. But certainly God wants me to stay in Melbourne thats why this offer came up and everything happens so quickly
8.i have no connection with the other department that im going to move into. The manager didnt even ask for my resume nor interview me or anything.
9. Actually my department right now is very stretched, meaning that we dont have enough people working and i have been covering here and there and working so hard and fast to make sure everything get done and for my manager to let me go for my good, it is a very big decision. I should say he is really nice to give me this chance to advance in my career and sacrificing his department. There were even people opposing me moving to another department. When i knew about it i just surrender to God and know for sure that if God wants to give it to me then i will have it.
There are so many more reasons why it is a miracle for me which i cant describe one by one here.
I did apply to another companies, not many, less than 10 but didnt get reply at all and i guess theres a reason for the waiting.
One thing i learn from this experience is that really God knows our desire and He is not ignorant, He is working behind the scene to let it happen and it will happen if we are willing to wait for His timing. Also, while waiting , it is our responsibility to be faithful in the small thing that God has given to us. For eg while everyone is complaining at workplace, what about us? How are using the resources in ur workplace? Are u using them for work only or also for personal stuff?
How are we obeying our 'masters' on earth? Do you go to your break ontime and come back ontime? Are you treating others with respect? Do you give your best at work?
These are the things that we can manage so let us give our best on the things that we can do and let God do His part. I really like Joyce Meyer's quote : blessing is God's department and our department is obedient.
I am not saying that we should earn God's blessing but we ought to prove to God that we are capable in handling the bigger thing that God wants to give us. Remember that God doesnt like to withhold blessing from us, in fact He loves to bless His children. But sometimes He is withholding the blessing because He knows that we are not ready to receive them yet.
There was also another incident on monday when i havent heard any update about the position, i actually wanted to email my manager and ask him. I was scared that i might not get the position ( something came up maybe? Or God doesnt really wanna give it to me?) .but then something inside stirs me asking me to trust in God and be still (literally). So i didnt do anything abt it and just brush the worry off. 5 mins after that, the manager came to me and updated me the good news. Imagine if i sent that email, i would sound so pushy. Thank God for the prompting.
Another thing that i learnt from my workplace is that if you want to see the change , be the change. If you want to see everyone is generous, then be the first generous person. If you want respect from other people firstly respect them. I wanna share a bit of my experience, not trying to brag but just want to show it works. But again, just want to emphasize that when doing good, do it without expecting anything in return. The only thing that i am running toward is the reward from God.
I didnt know since when i start doing this, but everyday when i go to work, i will pass this bakery store. When i got enough time i will buy some pastry and give it to the lady working with me. I dont particularly fond of her, even worse, sometime i find her annoying but im sure it is the Holy Spirit who compels me to do it. Guess what.. since then shes been doing the same thing to me too. She even bought me chocolate during xmas, purse when she went to malaysia and today she bought me muffin. It is not the present that matters but knowing that she actually wants to buy sth for me and think about this, that alone is amazing.
Another event is in my department, everyone is very individualistic, we get our own paperwork and do it ourselves but there was one day i offered to photocopy some worksheets for them and even went to get some work for them as i pass thru the main office. The following week my workmate whos usually very shy and always keep everything to herself offer to get me some paperwork too. Wow right? Haha. Another thing is, every friday i always get chocolate from the lab manager ( the lab im moving into), hes been very nice to me haha i guess it is really God's favor. Instead of having the chocolate all for myself, i offer it to all my workmates in my area , in fact ive been doing it every friday. Guess what,, this morning, the workmate who used to bully me, i repeat BULLY , she came up to my desk and gave me kit kat !! UNBELIEVABLE right?
It is true it says in the bible that when your enemy slaps you on your right face, give them the left side as well. Now i understand this verse very well. It is hard to initiate sth good for someone bad but trust me, it is worth it.
Starting work in new place in 1 week's time. Wohooo... everything happens so quickly.
All glory to God
Orange girl ^^
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