Look up at the heavens

Normally i like to pray as i walk to work from my car park. Not all the times but the times when i remember to. Usually i will pray the "usual prayers" like for work, ministry, family and a few other friends that come in my mind. But 2 days ago, as i was walking , i was prompted to do something different. Instead of asking this and that, i was actually communicating with God and marvel at Him. As i was talking to Him, i started to look around. I saw trees, leaves, and birds. All the sudden my mind clicks and i have never felt this peaceful before. Let me tell you why.

I started to look at His creation and started to think
God , you are so creative. You created every single birds differently, even the plants, we can never find an identical plant. Sometimes i marvel at human's creation of tall buildings, the new technology and all other things but to think about it, even human is Your creation. If human your creation can create something so spectacular, what about You? I cant even start to think of what heavens look like. And i thank You God that You provided me a place in heaven. Knowing that, i realize that life on earth is temporary (suddenly i realise one day all my problems on earth will pass). If they are temporary, why do i have to focus on it so deeply? I am just a visitor on earth anyway. Even the birds on the sky you take care of ( i literally saw the birds eating some crumbs on the road) and what about me whom you called your children? 

After that conversation with God i really feel that all my problems are really nothing. Not that they are nonexistent, but just that compared to the big God i have, they are really trivial. I dont need to rap my problems to God again and again because i know now that He can do much more than what i can imagine and prayed for. Suddenly i gain faith and assurance . And how easy it is for us to lose track just because along the way we start to focus on our circumstances, our surroundings , and forgot to look up to the heavens?

My bible study teaching leader gave a very profound principle on Monday, she said the more we focus on heaven , the less we think of the worldly things. how true is that. 

As i was driving home today, i was brought into deeper revelation. I was reminded again about the life of Abraham. He was concerned that God hasnt fulfilled His promise of giving him descendants and he started to complain to God that he might need to give his inheritance to his servant ( back then that was the culture ). Refer to Genesis 15 for full story. And then 
Gen 15:4 said "then the word of the Lord came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." He took him outside and said " look up at the heavens and count the starts - if indeed you can count them." ...

God knows that Abraham was side tracked. He started to look at his circumstances and the world and started to waver, thats why God brought him back to focus on Him. Abraham's focus was wrong and God shifted his focus and look whats the reward
Gen 15:6
Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness

Another story that God reminded me again was Peter walked on water
Refer to Matt 14: 22 onwards for full story. So Peter was already walking on water because he asked Jesus to let him come on water. However, as soon as he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink and cried out. Immediately Jesus caught his hand and rebuke him of little faith. 

Again we see here that when Peter's focus was shifted from Jesus to the wind, he started to sink because his focus was no longer based on faith. But we know that when we continue to focus on Jesus, we can "walk on water" confidently.

Therefore, look up at the heavens and realise who you really belong to and who our God is.

and i want to close with this hymn :

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face. And the things on earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace

All Glory to God

Orange girl :)


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