Merry Christmas at Operation Stitches
Let me share with you what happened to me today.
If you dont know what Operation Stitches is please do go to and find out about them and please do support them because they are awesome. I am not heavily involved with them but i normally volunteer there along with my church during christmas time. And today they held christmas party. Here are some photos that I would like to share (taken from facebook, visit their facebook :
Honestly today's volunteering was a bit unexpected for me because i normally went with my church members but none of them can make it today and i felt abit lazy to go by myself but somehow i tell myself i have to stop being lazy and giving excuses (trust me out of 10 times i failed 9 times).
Yesterday i found out that i need to wear christmas top and hat which i havent got any.
Chris (the founder of stitches) said she got one but then i felt bad if i have to trouble her so i thought since i finish work early i could go find sth. I thought there was reject shop at richmond because i checked online earlier today that they do sell xmas top. I was disappointed but then keep walking around richmond till i saw Salvos Store. I was praying inside my heart all the time that i could buy one and guess what? There was 1 T-shirt in the whole store that had Santa Claus on it. It is as if God purposefully put it there cos honestly it was really out of place. All other items were nothing related to xmas. Indeed prayer works. To be honest probably this is the first time in a month that i prayed , thats why i felt so special for this because even though i havent spent time with God, the one time i asked Him sth, He gave it to me without blame. I was very touched and encouraged.
I wont describe what things they had in the Christmas party were( it will be self explanatory when u see the pics). Just want to share this particular moment that i was super touched. So after the kids had fun, they all sit down to watch some performances. And there was also a brief msg about what Christmas is all about - that is the birth of Jesus Christ. Chris asked ; if it is your birthday, who got the present? Of cos the answer is you and wouldnt you be mad if your sibling get the present instead. And if we know that Christmas was Jesus' birthday then who should get the present? Obviously Jesus is the answer. So she asked again, what does Jesus want for the present? And then as she was looking for the box and opening up to pull the present out, i asked God that question myself..straight away i knew the answer is that Jesus wants my heart. Honestly at that time i wasnt sure if im hearing from God or i just made it up myself. U know, out of all things, why would the answer be my heart? Couldnt it be my faith in Him? Or my faithfulness? Or sth else like my sacrifice for Him?
Then Chris pulled out a heart from the box. At that time i literally almost teared. Again this proves that God was the one who spoke to me at that time and it wasnt me who think of the answer myself. This really comforts me bcos earlier today at work, suddenly i talked with God in my heart. I have lots of insecurities and i actually asked Him.suprisingly all the answers come so easily and the feel was just like how i heard about 'the heart' story. Therefore after tonight's experience i can proudly say that what i heard from God regarding my insecurities was really from God. And more importantly is the answers to my problem that amazes me.( sorry cant share it here. I will share in the future when everything else unfolds).
I dont pray often, and it is getting lesser and lesser these days that i felt so unfamiliar already and i dont read the bible as much as before anymore. I have changed but God never changes. Whether i repent or not, im good or not, He loves me so much. If you are reading this, im telling you that God loves you and He demands nothing other than your heart. I havent given all my heart to Him , or maybe i did but lots of times i pull it back, but He is still very patient to wait for me to come back to Him. Whatever it is that is hindering you to believe in Jesus or His goodness, i ask that you dont give up on Him and watch Him drawing Himself closer to you. Today when i was talking to God abt my insecurities in my heart, i asked Him to give me the proof that it was really Him who has forgiven me and talked to me (in other words im asking that He gave me a verse). Straight away in just one second a verse i had in mind was
Taste and see that the Lord is good
(psalm 34:8 - got this exact reference after googling haha)
(psalm 34:8 - got this exact reference after googling haha)
God challenges me to taste and see that He is good. Why dont you do the same thing?
All love to Jesus
Orange girl :)
Orange girl :)
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