God's calling 2015

This year i have stopped being a cell group leader as well as BSF group leader, ah yes and worship leader too. I am not sure if it is the right decision but i went ahead anyway because i know i dont have peace if i continue. I was in the cross road and dont really know what to do but took the step of faith and stop everything because i believe if God really wants me back He is able to make it happens.

Since i have stopped everything (i am still singer and translator) , i start to wonder, what is it that God want me to do this year? The answer didnt come straight away. As i shared bfore the theme for me this year was God increase and I decrease but the details of job desc for me wasnt revealed until recently.

Firstly, my cell group leader was MIA (missing in action) so indirectly as core team member with another member we both tried our best to keep it going. When theres new member at church we tried to reach out to them and brought them to our cell group. It was kinda 'agressive' lol. To be honest it is not something that i like to do. Im really bad at this , why? Because i forget a lot.i reach out to someone then i could just forget about that person until the next week so im actually not keeping in touch with the person..  God is really teaching me here to sincerely care for new sheep and to get to know them and love them. It is not an easy task for me but every now and then i force myself to keep in touch with the new member . Guess what .. God is really helping me along the way. Im getting along well with this girl ( thru this thick skin and many sacrifice , haha which i dont think i shld share here )  and finally she is now rooted in my cell group in fact shes bringing new member weekly.the thing i do is really nothing but God actually use this chance to expand His kingdom.

Another amazing thing is BSF.
This year i joined the newly established Young Adults BSF in city. Late last year i told the teaching leader reason im quitting is cos i want to move to YA and i want to bring many youngsters from my church to BSF. Thou somehow the passion died down in the middle. Hahhaha.. but BSF started last week and prior to that Holy Spirit has been reminding me to bring people. So i started to contact a few members from my church. Whats amazing is that from one leads to another.. God just slowly bring up people in my mind for the ones to ask. It started from the new girl in my cell group which she quickly says yes becos she really wants to learn, then another 2 students at church who told me they might not be able to commit but they came anyway just to try.

Then last weekend when i was helping out with cooking for camp fundraising, there was this girl lets say her initial is E. I asked her to come to BSF and she bluntly told me no cos shes not sure with all uni and church commitment which are already pretty much consume all her time. Cos she rejected then i said no more. On the way back, she was carpooling to city with me. The journey took abt 30 mins but since i put the wrong address in my GPS it took almost an hour (theres reason for everything, stay tune). So in the car we started chatting, talking about song, cell group, leading a worship , and finally i testified how BSF has changed me. She finally changed her mind and willing to try it out. I was like yay! Trully divine appointment.

And then there was a member in my cell, call him Z. He suddenly msged me asking me when BSF starts. I was like WoW! How did he know about it?
Apparently Z knew that i have been going for some time and Z told me he sensed that God wanted him to learn His word more but Z just hasnt got to it.  So Z told me hes willing to come. Another yay!

Then on Sunday , while i was at church, when i stepped into the toilet, suddenly Holy Spirit put another person in my heart. Lets name this person R. I wasnt sure bcos firstly im not close to  R. And i just know R. But with a step of faith i went to R and bluntly ask if R is willing to come. Without thinking R just agreed. Arent you amazed at the work of God?

There are many more that i asked to go to BSF and honestly im not someone who likes to do this "sales" job . I do this simply cos i know how precious BSF is and how privilege we are to be able to study it here for free and freely. Plus.. i just follow whats inside my heart ( which now i believe it is the prompting of the spirit). Definitely not easy to do this but i know God is with me and i trully witness His miracle. God wants to use u and me, any time, as long as we are willing to open ourselves to hearing Him and obey  and not rationalize, just do it. He wants to use us not because we are so great but simply because we are willing and in fact that is His grace. Cos honestly, who am i? I am someone full of flaw. If anything, i should be the one who needed bible study more than anyone else. Yet God still uses me, still shows me His favor.

The story not finish yet. Cos yesterday i was bringing quite a few number of people to BSF, the teaching leader found out from them who brought them. She went to my group and asked to talk to me bfore i head to lecture. She told me she was very impressed and i should be the one who runs the welcome session instead. Lol. I have a feeling she wants me to be involved in leadership in some ways when she called me. Then i went see her and it is true, she wants me to be group leader cos they really need one. I asked her if she knows that i was one bfore. She told me she doesnt know but the name Sheila sounds familiar to her. Anyway.. i told her why i quit leadership but she told me to pray about it anyway. I know deep down God has called me back.. yet.. i dont know what to do. Until now. I have to give an answer tomorrow and im still confuse. Feel like im back to square one. Haha with leading my cell grp and leading BSF again. But oh well.. i did pray to God if He wants me back then let it be. There are a few reasons why im still in dilemma and i guess the confirmation of whether i take it or not will be God providing me the solutions. Haha. Lets see.

Anyway.. on the side thing.. so lately ive been praying to be able to share gospel to my colleagues. It is very difficult for me bcos i spend most of my time with them and they know me inside out. Just like how it is difficult for me to share this to my family members. Therefore i really prayed for a divine appointment. My colleague, lets call her D , everyday we walk to the carpark together. It takes about 15 minutes and normally we always chat. I know this is a great opportunity for some intimate talk and finally last week there was an opportunity. I was sharing about relationships stuff and she finally asked me, can i know whats the reason you convert? A ha! At least now shes wants to find out..too bad at that time we were already reaching my car but im not giving up..i know in the meantime God will soften her heart so that it will be receptive when its time for me to share.
There are many people out there who need God so badly. They appear to be strong and live a nice life but actually inside them it is broken. Before Jesus left, He left a task for all of us to do that is to baptise the nation and tell the good news. And this is one of the most obvious calling that God has for each and everyone of us. When he comes the second time He will not ask how much money we have given, or how much we have done, but He will ask who have we brought to know Him? Bcos God loves His people His creation. And thats what i realise and what motivates me to pray again and take step of faith in sharing.

Glory to God alone

Orange girl ^^


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