God cares even your unspoken wish

A little while ago i was very much burdened financially. It wasnt bad but for some reasons i havent been able to save because spending is so much more than savings. There have been multiple occasions of miscellaneous expenses. One of my concerns was the increasing parking price in the city. I have to go to city few times a week mainly due to ministry and church. It is not a huge amount but it still adds up.
On one occasion as I was contacting my BSF members , one of the ladies told me that there is free parking very close to the church after 6.30pm. This means that I can save some expenses from now on. Really praise God for His provision ! I havent really prayed and asked for way out but from this i know God knows every details of my life and He cares even to the smallest details. I am very amazed at how much He cares.. it wasnt the amount that thrills me but the fact that He cares even to the minute stuff is what really blesses me.

Whatever you need right now, know that Jesus is all you need. When you have Jesus, you have all you need. He knows your unspoken prayer, burden, challenge and trials in life. It doesnt go unseen or ignored. The whole world may not understand or care about you but you have an awesome God that cares for everything in your life

I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.
Revelation 2:2 NIV

Jesus loves you

Orange girl 😙😘😚


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