
Showing posts from 2012

Now is good

Past few months have been draining months, well.. I guess I have been saying this a lot for the whole year because indeed this year has been huge year for me... Moving job, getting PR, buying house, become cell group leader and bible group leader. Major things all happened in a year! Inevitably, not only my mental is affected, my spiritual life is affected in a negative way as well especially this past few months. Dont know since when my passion for God, church, and ministry is downgrading. I started to be scared of so many things in life such as will I be able to pay the mortgage, will I ever have saying to go  for holiday, how do I juggle between ministry and moving to stay in suburb, how do I move house,should I use this or that insurance, how do I buy a car,  bla bla bla.. and one of my silly worries also includes will I ever meet a guy in my life cos I heard people saying that wow.. sheila is so strong, she manages to do everything herself, and it just scares the hell o...

Pass learner test

Thank you God. I passed my test today. Haha. Honestly maybe for a lot of people passing this test is a piece of cake but not necessarily for me. yesterday night I did the practice tests online, even then I failed quite a few. I did not read the whole practice book because I didnot have the time. well I kinda look down on it and then up to last minute I got panicked haha.. Today I sat the test, I was the first person to do the test, so blessed .. so i dont have to come late to work. :) and then when I was doing the questions, there are so many questions that I have never come across before. I have never even read about it. I cant stop praying to God to help me. I have never been so not confident in a test. To pass this test means that the max number of questions that I can make mistake are 8 questions. Im so scared. But in the end, God did help me. I got 3 questions wrong, which amazed me. I would have expected something like 7. Haha.. Im really happy... Thank you God. U r definitely...

Group leader ... for the very first time

Today was my first time leading a group in my bible study fellowsip (BSF). I have been trained for 2 months now but it never occurs to me that it was actually not as easy as I thought. Haha.. leading a group is not easy, but I find joy in doing so. I dunno why but Im actually looking forward to it now. Lol. I was so nervous just now , in fact before I went there I actually prayed beforehand. This never occurs to me because usually I am always very confident in this area but I guess I start to realise that I can only lead a group to grow in Christ by depending on Him and not my own. I have experienced how I depend on myself and I failed. and God has been knocking my door to tell me that I have been too proud of myself, and I realise that. Therefore, I force myself to learn to be humble even though my flesh tells otherwise. Anyway, I had great time. I found that I really like doing it. ;) I didnt think that it was good at all, but thankfully one of the ladies told me that I did it well ...

No longer a foreigner !

I cant help but smile when I think about this : that I will no longer be queuing at foreigner site when I go through customs at the airport here in Australia.. Whee... what a joy. haha.. Yep, I got my PR, exactly on 26 Oct 2012. It is still so surreal, so fast, and so unbelievable. Few months ago I was still struggling with my unstable emotions thinking about where I will end up but God had truly answered my prayer in the way He want. I lodged my PR on 23 Sep 2012. Before that, I was struggling to apply PR because there was another obstacle other than my skill assessment, that is Victoria State sponsorship. In order to achieve enough points to apply for PR for life scientist ( the job that was on demand list that I nominated), I had to get extra 5 points from Vic State sponsorship. The problem that I had was that I applied for this sponsorship on April when I applied for my first skill assessment. Ideally, they only gave 3 months time for me to submit the result of my skill assessmen...

The origin

Do you know how Eve was created? 7  Then the  Lord  God formed  a man [ c ]  from the dust  of the ground  and breathed into his nostrils the breath  of life,  and the man became a living being. 8  Now the  Lord  God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden;  and there he put the man he had formed. (Gen 2:7-8). 18  The  Lord  God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” 19  Now the  Lord  God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals  and all the birds in the sky.  He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called  each living creature,  that was its name.   20  So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam [ f ]  no suitable helper  was found.   21  So the  Lord  God caused t...

True faith or professing faith?

I wanna share today about what I learnt from my bible study last week. Last week we started looking at James and seriously... really seriously... the book of James is so so so rich.. I mean well.. every book is rich but the book of James just makes me realise about so many things and that is why I cant wait to share it here =) hopefully it can be a blessing or maybe help you have a deeper view about what true faith is. Chapter 1 of James started talking about trials, how every Christians should consider it pure joy when they face all kinds of trials. Repeat, ALL KINDS of TRIALS. When I first read that, I was like, really? seriously? you want me to take it as JOY? are you kidding? and then when you continue reading it, it says trials test our faith. The purpose of trials are actually to see how our faith is really like. It is like if you are in a relationship with someone,we may face trials such as arguments, different opinions, and if we do not feel like the relationship is worth fig...

The Righteous

Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him. (Psa 4:3). But let you all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. (Psa 5:11) for surely, o Lord, You bless the righteous; You surround them with your favor as with a shield (Psa 5:12) The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble (Psa 9:9). You hear, o Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and You listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed (Psa 10:17-18) ... For God is present in the company of the righteous. You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor, but the Lord is their refuge (Psa 14:5-6). Lord , who may dwell   in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless,   who does what is righteous,   who speaks the truth  from their heart;  whose tongue utters no slander,  who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others...

How I encounter Jesus in my life

I broke up with my first ex boyfriend when I was in high school 7 years ago. The reason he broke up with me was because he gets more serious in his faith in Jesus. He knew that he should not be on the same yoke with unbeliever like me. Back then I was a Buddhist. I grew bitter and angry asking why so serious about religion? religion is there to guide us to be a good person, but not there to hinder us with someone that we like. It just doesnt make sense to me at all. i got really really devastated and traumatic because at that time I really did give my heart to him and was thinking how could he be so thoughtless and just dump me like that? after all we have been through? It just further emphasized what my dad thinks about christians, they are selfish people. Okay so afterthe break up, i was so sad up to the point that i asked my mom to send me to study overseas. i know this sounds so desperate, ridiculous and you might think, what? You were just 17 at that time! Well, the truth is tha...

What should I do?

Hi God.. im really sad at the moment. not because i do something wrong like what i usually did but sad looking at people around me. Grace, who brought me to Christ told me today that she is dating a hot pHd student 27 yrs old who is not a Christian. How could she forgot u God? She was the one who was so passionate about God. through her i got to know You Lord.. what can I tell her? Looking at my own family I really feel like they worship money, what can I do to let them realise that money is nothing? How can i make them realise that all that I haveis from You and all that I am is because of You? Looking at my own cell group.. how do i ask them to stop being a hypocrite and selfish person and start living a life worthy of their calling o God when they dont even bother to listen to what I hve to say? Nobody understands how big Your miracle is in my life. When i try to tell my story, somehow they just dont see that it is Your miracle, instead they see it as something small and normal. ...

You are able!

Hey God! I REALLY WANNA SHOUT IT OUT LOUD.. YOU ARE SO AWESOME!! I wanna jump, sing and raise up my hand or if possible I wanna throw a party with You cos i just feel that You just parted my red sea. Hahahhaha... well.. not literally but You just perform a huge miracle in my life. Thank YOU thank You thank You. I love You Jesus!!! more and more every single day. I recently got my reassessment result for my skill nomination. I guess I dont have to tell my result anymore cos the card is already on the table. Wheeeee :) i told my colleague the other day, well not just her but so many others that if I got a positive outcome, it is really God's miracle. Why is it a miracle for me? My initial assessment result was negative and i even applied for an explanation from the officer. The reason that he gave was pretty plain and square. The chance of my reassessment being approved is tiny... i repeat.. tiny... I went to so many other lawyers , some asked for heaps of money without guarantee, o...

Let You be the author

More than a week ago, Holy Spirit convicted me about one room of my life,which key I have been holding on to. That room is my love life room. Honestly I thought that I have given the key to God and let Him take control of everything but the fact is I havent totally given the key to Him. Sometimes I took the key back. That was exactly what happened to me recently. Instead of trusting God, I have compromised in this area of my life. I didnt behave like what my identity is, that is to not be an initiator. I thought I am doing the right thing but Holy Spirit challenged me my motive. That is when I know that I have crossed the line. Today, I want to make the commitment that I want to let God be the author of my love life. No longer will I take initiative or do sth that is according to my flesh. Instead I want to put my trust totally in Him knowing that even though it is hard, even though it is painful, even though nothing will happen, it will be worth it. I am sorry Father for not trustin...

My new workplace

Today is my second day at work. When people ask me what i do at work, i honestly dont know how to answer it because it involves data entry and specimen reception and many other things. The job desc sounds simple but the work is a little bit complicated. Maybe after a while i will get bored eventually. Anyway.. that is not the main point. Because i m in sample reception, i often received product of conception such as fetus sample, placenta sample , and most of the time is sample from the fetus that has been miscarriaged. My heart feels so heavy whenever i see those sample. I just feel sad for them. Sad that the baby had to die for the parents and sad for the parents. Today at prayer, when i was in the middle of prayer, it got me thinking that why didnt i pray for the family? there must be reason why i am in this department and there must be a mission why I m here. For now i know that this is what i can do, that is to pray for those whom are less fortunate. If i feel sad for them yet do...

He cares

Finally i could have some good news to share. I know i have been missing in my blog for a while. Sorry God, i should have shared more about Your glory and Your goodness. Alright, so as i have mentioned before.. this year has been such a challenging year for me. The reason behind is that there are a lot of waiting rooms and i hate waiting. For me, waiting is one of the hardest thing to do as I walk my journey with God. There are so many things that I am waiting.. for example waiting for God to tell me whether i will be in indo or aussie, whether to do nursing or not, whether to persist in getting pr or not, etc. During these last few months it has been draining at the same time rewarding. I have learnt to trust in Him and I really see how God guides my path. Few months ago when I was volunteering in the hospital,  i ever thought to myself that how good it is if one day i can work at royal children hospital. I dont even volunteer at royal children at that time. Guess what, today t...

Learning to trust the Lord

Okayy..... i guess it's time to update what's going on so much had happened and one of the major things that happened was my family (mom , dad and bro) came on 23 June and I went to Hillsong 2012. Honestly it has been so crazy and there have been so many ups and downs.  The one thing that i wish I can rewind is that when my parents were here, I wish I had more courage to ask them to go to church with me. I didnt have the courage to do so, it was definitely a turmoil. I have been going to church every sundays, been going to bible study every monday, prayer night every tuesday, cell group on fridays, but how come when it comes to exercising my faith, it seems so hard?? I didnt fail just this, but I guess I have failed in so many areas of my life. My greatest concern is about witnessing my faith to other people and the hardest is to my own family member. I am not in a position to give a reason why I fail to do so cos everything is indeed my fault. I feel like I am "P...

love does not keep the records of wrongdoings

Have you ever experienced a time when you look at a Christian and his/her life and thought : how can she/he do that even though she/he is a Christian?  or  she is a worship leader, how can she cheated on her boyfriend? or He is a cell group leader, how could he plays around with people's heart? Honestly, those are the questions that have ever crossed my mind, well, not just ever, but frequently.. And I start to wonder, God, how can you let this happen? I mean should not a leader be a good leader? You know what I mean. A lot of times I was sad seeing how they can be so hypocrite. However, God has taught me so many things through this. finally I have learnt that it is not up to me to judge my fellow brothers and sisters. The first thing that God teaches me was to look at myself When I ask : How can she/ he cheat on someone without feeling guilty? God asks me : and what about you? How can you do this.. and that.. when you yourself is a prayer warrior , singer, usher, an...

2 things: Inspired by Jayesslee and United to Bless

Hi... I think this is going to be a looooongggg blog, haha... well, there are 2 things that I want to share today. Actually my feeling is quite mix at the moment, happy but at the same time feeling a little bit disappointed and sad. Yesterday (26 May 2012) I went to Jayesslee concert in Melbourne. If you do not know who Jayesslee is, basically they are twins who inspire me a lot in terms of music and character, so if you want to find out more about them, you can find them in Youtube, cos they are Utuber.. haha (not funny). Initially I feel bad a little bit becos I couldnot help our church United to Bless' event decoration yesterday cos I went to Jayesslee concert. I was totally feeling not very good about it ( you know how it feels for someone whose love language is acts of service like me, haha). However, I would say that I didnt regret at all going to Jayesslee concert cos I was trully inspired by them. I was inspired by their ministry. Honestly, the concert was not a chu...

Pray, wait and have faith

Pray, wait and have faith has been the theme of my life for this year. I do not realise it at first but slowly through sermons, bible study and my own devotion and quiet time i come to a conclusion that that is what God wants me to learn. When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." And so after waiting patiently[note this!! Highlight!!], Abraham received what was promised. (Hebrews 6:13-15 NIV) I think we all are quite familiar with this story where Abraham was given a promise by God that he will have descendants. What was my perception before about God is that when God promises sth or when He says sth, i assumed that The thing will happen straight after that, or well.. Maybe a few days later or sth like that, u know... But after reading that verse, God's revelation was revealed. Notice the word Abraham waited patiently. In fact He had to w...