Knowing my role and be responsible for it

I just came back from Easter retreat today and would like to share one of the things that I have learnt from it. 

In this 3 days camp, I have learnt, i guess, one of the most valuable lesson as Jesus' followers, that is to know my role and BE RESPONSIBLE about it. I was assigned to be one of the leaders for the group of 6 in the camp. I was a bit disappointed when I know that I was chosen (haha, cos being a leader was not a nice role, that was what I thought initially). one of the reasons was because I was "tired" of being a leader. I was exhausted of my ministries, I was constantly in pain and not in joy when I served. This happens for the past 2 or 3 weeks by the way, but I think it was already building up since a long time ago. Another reason was because on my previous camp, I was also one of the leaders in the group and I kinda failed in that camp. I was unable to unite my team members and I was so disappointed. Consequently, I am not really looking forward to this role again. 

Out of these 6 members, I am only closed to one of them. So imagine, there are another 4 members that I barely know about them and they seem to be pretty quiet and not very enthusiastic about the game too, until there is one of them who came to me and said that he wish that we could win the game, but he was also somehow disappointed because of the same reason. however, I told him not to lose faith and be sure that we can win. when I said that, I feel challenged. I dont want to sound unrealistic, saying one thing but act another. Telling him that we can win but the group stays in the same condition. Therefore, I slowly put more effort into my group. It doesnt  happen straight away but deep inside me, I really dont want to extinguish the hope that he has. I started wanting to give my best into this group.

The hardest thing of being a leader is not about worrying the things that we cant do as a group, but for me, is being influential. I believe that a successful leader is someone who can conveys his vision and mission to the other members. in this case, I really want them to have the same zeal, that is to win the game no matter what it takes. i also believe that to be able to influence other people, firstly we also need to let the vision and mission sink into ourself, ie. strong determination. It has to start from myself. If I cant foresee what's gonna happen or if i cant foresee my group reaches the finish line as a winner, then definitely we are not able to reach that stage. As a result, I start to motivate myself (poor me,haha). I push myself to the limit. Note, this is not an easy thing for me, and if it's not by God's grace, I wouldnt be able to do this. I really give my best to this group, I dont even know what other people think about me anymore, I yelled, I jumped, I motivated them, I even had to do silly dance in the middle of the night(HAHA). The climax was on the last day of the camp where I was really pumped up to give my best. The result was AMAZING!! Like seriously amazing!

I was amazed that  one of the members could finally find his passion, another member was able to open up himself though he is not a christian, another not-so-active guy could also become active. I believe that God has also taken part in this process, because obviously with my own strength I would not be able to  do all these. I wont go into the details of how this happens but there are just a few points that I want to emphasise what it means to do our part.

1. be faithful in what role we have been given 
Be it a leader, a member or an audience, whatever the role is, embrace it. It may not be the best role for you, but trust me, you have that role is not by coincidence, God has a reason for it. Our part is not to find out why we are put in that role, but to embrace the role and know who we are.
2. be faithful in the role itself.
As I have mentioned before, when I know that I am the leader, I know that my role brings the influence forward. whatever role you are at, know it well, not just half, a little, a lot, but all. After you embrace your role, start doing it. some of the tasks may be very trivial that you dont even feel motivated to do it, but we have to be faithful.
3. be responsible
this is the foundation of performing our role because when we are responsible, we will automatically be faithful in everything. Be responsible means that whatever it takes, we are going to finish it well. Along the way, we will meet many obstacles that can cause us to give up. However, a responsible person is someone who is willing to carry out the things that he needs to do even if he has to pay a big price for it. 
4. Impart God 
Colossians 3:17 says And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
When we impart God in our plan, in our role or all other thing, He will make us become a successful person in that area. At the same time, when we try to do everything on our own, we will burn out. Thus, always always always remember to do it all in the name of the Lord and give thanks.

Glory to God,

Orange girl ^^


  1. Don't give up orange girl even when you feel 'tired' with your ministries. You might tempted to think that you have given your all and don't deserve to be mistreated, by your team or by the one whom you served. If that thought ever comes to your mind, look at the cross. He didn't deserve it either.

    That being said, I never been in charge of ministry yet. So i don't know the hardship of it. But I always respect the one who are. They sacrifice their time, their mind and their feeling (as it is sometimes hurt them, like in your case).

  2. Yes... Thank you for your comment and encouragement. Certainly Im still doing my best to not "complain" during my ministry. =)

  3. Interesting.. hahaha =p


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